MusicAl limited

School shows

Musical Instrument Making Shows For Primary Schools

MusicAl will bring a range of string, woodwind, brass and percussion instruments to your school and show students how to make instruments that sound just like them in an interactive show.

Real Instruments featured in our Instrument Making Show

Guitar, bass guitar, ukulele, mandolin, violin, recorder, flute, piccolo, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, flugelhorn and a large range of percussion instruments.

Homemade Instruments featured in our Instrument Making Show

Box bass, bucket bass, bass broom, bucket harp, bottle guitar, pan pipes, flute, balloon blower, bottle blower, plastic pipe sax, plastic pipe trombone, plastic pipe trumpet, drums, shakers, slap tubes, stomping tubes, wood blocks, jingle sticks, lagerphone, castanets, rain sticks and many more.

What Teachers Say About Our Shows
Russell came to our school and performed for each syndicate. The feedback from the staff was 100% positive. They were very impressed with the show, particularly Russell's ability to have all the students taking part in the show. The range of instruments was amazing and the students were very happy to get the chance to play one. Russell is an accomplished entertainer and kept the students, and staff, entertained throughout the sessions, whether it was giving instructions on how to play the instruments to how they function to make the sounds while throwing in the occasional story from his past experiences. We are very keen to have Russell come back to our school.
                                                                                       Bruce Leabank School 2024

Just wanted to say thanks so much for today! The kids and teachers loved it, and I have heard about kids that went straight home and made things already
                                                               Mandy Duggan Kaukapakapa School 2024
Fantastic show. Engaging, interesting and enjoyable for all ages. Excellent sound quality and organisation. Everyone had a great time, leaving feeling involved and inspired! Year 1 Teacher Drury School 2024
The show was very engaging. He kept the children interested and participating throughout the show. Russell was very knowledgeable, and the children responded to him immediately. The children are inspired to make and play musical instruments. We would recommend his show to others. Year 5 & 6 Teacher  Drury School  2024
Room 18 had the chance to learn about various musical instruments, and the highlight was when the performer shared his unique instruments made from recycled materials. The kids were amazed and inspired by his creativity! Thank you for sharing your passion and talent. Year 5 & 6 Teacher  Drury School 2024

Your show was AMAZING and you totally hooked our Year Four students in for the entire time. You sure were inspirational and I am sure that many students went home and headed straight for their recycling bin!"
                                                               Tarsha Bray Remuera Primary School 2023

"MusicAl was great. It inspired me to learn an instrument."
"Really good, kids enjoyed it and you could hear and see them getting more into it as the show went on."
"Great show, really good introduction for us to launch our own instrument making sessions from."
"The kids loved it and it was a really good range of instruments.
He was really good with the kids too."                               
                                                                                         Ohinewai School Staff 2023

Fantastic show.
Fitted into our programme perfectly.
Great motivator, fantastic control with kids.
Would definitely recommend to other schools.
 Awesome! We used it as encouragement for our technology unit on making musical instruments and the children were SO motivated.
Year four children were able to run with your ideas for weeks and great music sessions linked to technology eventuated.
                                                                         Feedback from previous shows
What Students Say About Our Shows

"I liked that you could play so many instruments."

"Your instruments that you made were impressive."

"I think Russell is very creative and talented."

"The recycled instruments were a great idea. I really liked the pipe with the balloon that made the ship's foghorn noise."

"I like how you put all that junk to use and didn't waste anything."

"I liked the music from the 'olden days'."

"The brass instruments sounded really cool and loud."

"We really enjoyed being part of the show and how you chose people to try the homemade instruments."                                    Buckland School Students 2023

"He was cool and it was fun."
"The instruments he made were pretty cool and I want to make some."
"I really loved it, his music was really good."               
                                                                                   Ohinewai School Students 2023

PHOENIX: I thought it was really amazing with so many instruments and different sounds.

REESE: I liked the creations of home made stuff

ZOEY: I liked it that MusicAL could play so many instruments

WILLIAM: My favourite instrument was the broom one.
AILIE: I learned the bigger the instrument the lower the sound, the smaller the instrument the higher the sound.
DISCOVERERS: It was fun when we made the band and played Al's song with him.
                                                                                   Waerenga School Students 2023


MusicAl was cool fun.
MusicAl let us try the instruments.
MusicAl came to our school and we had fun with the instruments.
It was interesting to see how to make all those instruments.
I found MusicAl very friendly and he showed us neat instruments.
It was really fun and interesting.
I liked the trumpet made from hose pipe.
                                                                             Feedback from previous shows
Supporting the music Curriculum
Supporting the science and Technology curriculums

Our Instrument Making Show will support the music, science and technology programmes.

If you have developed units of work you would like to share, please send them to us so we can post on our site to support others.

Show Costs
Shows cost $3.00 per child plus GST.
There is a minimum charge of $500.00 plus GST for a visit to a school.
 MusicAl can run three sessions per day depending on the number attending.
 MusicAl shows are both educational and fun.